Sublime Ads is shutting down
Thank you so very much for using Sublime Ads. Sublime Ads will shut down within the next few weeks. I'm aiming for November 22nd, 2024....
Thank you so very much for using Sublime Ads. Sublime Ads will shut down within the next few weeks. I'm aiming for November 22nd, 2024....
Well, as you may have noticed, or not, the Update Blog is now hosted here. I found it cumbersome to use my old built-in CMS...
Today we've updated the embed.js script and brought it into the 21st century... I mean, now it doesn't require me to "build" the script because...
Howdy there 👋 It's been a while since the last update. For the last few days I spent some time moving some of the frontend...
Howdy there everyone. Registrations are back! Woohoo! Without going into too much details, Sublime Ads will be re-launching slowly over the next few months. For...
Today we changed the length of a trial, which went from 14 days to 30 days, and today to 42 days. It's always difficult to...
Recently we added a new feature allowing you to change what appears on client portals, including simple payment links. You can add/change: • Portal title...
Today I added settings that allow you define your default image resize options. When calling the API, your images are automatically resized to 500 pixels...
The other day I mentioned that the Edge API will be deprecated. This is now done. The good news is that everything is working as...
With Sublime Ads offering an on "edge" API for simple category embeds for some time, I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't meet...
You can now filter your ads, on the main ads list, by Client. Just use the new dropdown found in the filter section.
Excited to launch a new, good to have, PRO feature: The ability to link categories to a parent category, opening different possibilities for you all,...
I've added the ability to make portals public, without the need for a passkey. Just head on over to your portal of choice and select...
Another day, another week, another month... another new feature. I am happy to announce the availability of client portals for your clients. A client portal...
Ah yes, it's been so long since I shipped anything new. Well, no more. I pulled my arm out! Now you can add Clients and...
Seen on Homepage
We've updated our pricing plans for Sublime Ads to accommodate more developers with varying budgets and to further make sure we stay on mission. With...
Hey there. We just updated the way the graph data is sorted when viewing them on the main dashboard or on the category sections. Previously...
Today I am happy to release a small change to the API. You can now authorise using the Authorization header with a Bearer token. It's...
I'm happy to release support for "on the fly" image resizing for Sublime Ads, thanks in part to our CDN provider Bunny CDN. We've been...
Hey there. I've been busy the last few days to get a few needed things out the way. But first, let's talk about the new....