Sublime Ads Updates
September 26th, 2022

Introducing Clients

Ah yes, it's been so long since I shipped anything new. Well, no more. I pulled my arm out!

Now you can add Clients and link them to your ads. This helps you get an overview how well everything is going and provide statistics if so required.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, without the drama though. No sinking ships either.

Having clients linked to ads opens up future possibilities that are not yet implement, for example balances and public stat pages. These are not ready yet, but just wanted to wet your appetite of the ideas floating around.

Clients is a PRO feature only.

Head on over to the documentation to read more. Or perhaps get straight in there.

If you don't use Clients, and you find the extra button and data annoying, you can hide this from Sublime Ads by heading on over to Settings where you can disable it.

Some other tweaks have been deployed alongside clients. This includes slightly wider sections throughout, better list views with alternating row colours, and some slight tweaks to the Settings section. Also added some snark throughout (more coming!). The stats graph now show a little loading indicator as you switch dates or load them... useful to see what's going on.